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Friday, April 29, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

After Mission 3, we learned that Dr. Strangeglove isn't working alone. But who is C.L.O.N.C? And what does C.L.O.N.C stand for?

Since nobody knows for sure what C.L.O.N.C is up to, I thought it'd be fun to have a contest to come up with some creative conspiracy theories about C.L.O.N.C. To enter, all you have to do is comment on THIS blog with your wackiest, wildest ideas about what C.L.O.N.C stands for and what you think they're up to.

I'll publish my favourite ideas right here at The Daily Growl next week, and I'll give out a bunch of GINORMOUS Rox prizes. Ready, set, GOOOOO!

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

Do you have an idea about what it might be?
