
Welcome to The Moshi Monsters Daily Post.
All the best cheats, all the time!

Friday, June 10, 2011

1,000 Hits Party!

Today is the 1,000 Hits Party. (I hope you already knew!) I am sooo excited. Are you? Weell, I'm so excited, I have already started planning games and contests. Please make sure to tell your friends and maybe even some siblings if you have any. The more people, the more the fun! Oh, and if you didn't know, hits means the views. (The more you visit, the more hits!)


Date: June 10th, 3:00 PM (Pacific Time - U.S AND CANADA)

Place: Moshi Monsters Forum - Daily Growl "Moshi Monsters Daily Blog 1,000 Hits Party!"

Please try to let me know if you are going. Just e-mail me and I'll let you on the V.I.P List.

I hope you can come! I'll say it again - please invite your friends! E-mail, pin-board, etc. Whatever you can do! See ya'll at 3:00 on the Forums!

Keep your eyes peeled . . . ewww . . . and on Lady Goo Goo - rumors say that she might be sick because if you click her in your Moshling Zoo, she starts to sign and then cough!

1,000 Hits Blog Owner