
Welcome to The Moshi Monsters Daily Post.
All the best cheats, all the time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

MonSTAR, Room, and Fan Art of The Week! - MM

Congratulations to this week's winners!!

Monstar Of The WeekRoom Of The Week

Who deserves the most cheers? Could it be the Fan Art? Comment below with your thoughts!


Moshi Games - Nyan Cat Fly! - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 14, 2011

My favourite pastry cat, OK the ONLY pastry cat I know of, has a GAME! You can play it, and lots of other new games over at MoshiGames.com!

Use the arrow keys to maneuver Nyan Cat around vegetable obstacles and nom on some delicious cakes and candies. How many sweet treats can YOU eat? Comment on THIS blog and tell me how you think Nyan Cat would get along with the Kitties Moshlings. A few of you will win a Random Rox prize.

Yesterday's Random Rox winners are frazer2010crissychristmas, and elly5678.

Keep your eyes at hand... and on the book sale at WH Smiths in the UK on all your favourite Moshi books such as Buster's Lost Moshlings, Moshi Monsters: Game On!, Moshi Monsters: My Moshi Monsters Joke Book, Moshi Monsters Fangtastic Activity Book, Moshi Monsters: Super Fan Quiz Book, Moshi Monsters MonSTAR Rooms Handbook, & Moshi Monsters Pick Your Path 1: Disco Mystery. When you buy one Moshi book at WH Smith's, you'll get your second book for half price (until July 29th)! Woo!

Roary Scrawl

The Daily Growl Makeover - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 13, 2011

Check it out! The Daily Growl has a new look! The best part is the COMMENT section. If you're logged in, your MONSTER will show up by your comment. SWEET!

Like the Moshi Forum, if you're a Moshi Member, your monster will be animated, and if you're not, it won't be. If you're not logged into your Moshi account, you can still comment but your monster won't show up near your comment.

I'm SUPER excited to get to look at everybody's monsters when I'm looking through your comments. Plus, I can click your owner name and visit your room! You'll also notice that the comments are on multiple pages so you can click through them to view them all more easily.

What do YOU think of the new Daily Growl? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize. Yesterday's Random Rox winners are lovinglaura12345,crazy2345678, and monsterchloehead.

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

Moshi Football Uniform Design Winner - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 12, 2011

The winner of The Moshi Monsters Football Uniform Contest has been chosen. The winning design was created by 2442chocolate2442. Check out the winning design!

2442chocolate2442, you've won a MEGA Rox prize, a Moshi Goodie Bag, and when the jerseys are ready, we'll make one with your owner name on it for you. There were also LOTS of runners up. Check 'em out! Click the image to see a larger version.

The runners up have each won a FREE Shakesfear Bust. Wow! That's worth over 300 Rox! Thanks to everybody who entered. Everybody's designed SURRRIOUSLY ruled.

Which design is YOUR favourite? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize. Yesterday's Random Rox winners are madmoshi353lollipop7227, and foebi.

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

Totem Trolls - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 11, 2011

Orn, Ug, Ngue, Are, and Igg make up Monstro City's one and only Totem Troll Totem Poll. Legend has it that they have mystical powers and a completed Totem Pole is a symbol of good fortune.

What if YOUR monster had its very own Totem Troll to represent it? What would it look like? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize. I might even give out some FREE Totem Trolls! After all, good fortune is meant to be shared.

Friday's Random Rox winners are happy625bannanasplitsyellow, and rocksy300. Saturday's Random Rox winners are kew26familyfun4u2, and tishiana. Sunday's Random Rox winners are fizzypoppupbrandon1691, and gogos299. The answer to Tamara's EXTREME Nifty Shifty is "General Fuzuki." Well done to everybody who got it right!

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

EXTREME Nifty Shifty Puzzle - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 10, 2011

Tamara Tesla is here with a brand new EXTREME puzzle! She's been out to the ShiftyShack Sandbar where she picked up this Nifty Shifty puzzle for your shifting delight.

If you shift each letter down one in the alphabet (so B = A, C = B, etc.), what word does the secret code reveal? Comment on THIS blog with the correct answer, and if you get it right, you could win a Random Rox Prize!

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl

Pick Your Path - Disco Mystery Out Now! - MM

Posted by 
Roary Scrawl
 on July 9, 2011

Wowza! A BRAND NEW Moshi BOOK has just come out? There's something strange going on in Monstro City. The Underground Disco has gone eerily silent?

One of the fangtastic Fizzbangs has gone missing and the other bands are refusing to perform until their friend has returned. Will you see if you can find them, or seek your own MonSTARdom in Rockstar Reef? Pick you path and decide!

Click the image above to pre-order your copy of the newest book today. Or pick it up at one the following retailers: WH Smith, Waterstone's, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Eason, The Entertainer, and Smyth's Toys. Would you help save the missing rockstar or try to get famous yourself over at Rockstar Reef? Comment on THIS blog and tell me, and a few of you will win a Random Rox prize.

Keep your eyes at hand...

Roary Scrawl